Chaplains' Reflections
Febuary 2024

Thriving at Work
The Stevenson/Farmer review of mental health and employers.
Our work has revealed that the UK is facing a mental health challenge at work that is much larger than we had thought. Not only is there a big human cost of poor mental health at work, there are also knock on impacts for society, the economy and Government. Employers are losing billions of pounds because employees are less productive, less effective, or off sick.
Happily our research has found green shoots of good practice. Using good practice and evidence where it exists, this review sets out a number of mental health core standards that can be adopted across all workplaces at little or no cost. We strongly recommend that change be encouraged by increasing employer transparency, not only internally to their employees, but also across industries and through the public domain“.
This is an important issue for workplaces and workplace chaplains already play a role in the workplaces they visit!